Delegation of Responsabilities

B. Crispo

University of Cambridge, UK
Università di Torino, Italy


Delegation is usually seen in security literature as delegation of rights, where the term delegation is used to refer the process whereby a principal authorises an agent to act on his behalf, by transfering a set of rights to the agent for a specific period of time.
Here we would like to propose an other form of delegation: delegation of responsibility with the following definition that is slightly different from the previous one: delegation is used to refer the process whereby a principal authorises an agent to act on his behalf, by transfering a set of rights to the agent for a specific period of time - during which the principal can no longer excercise these rights.

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This paper has been published in the Proceedings of the " 1998 Security Protocols International Workshop", April 17-19, 1998 Cambridge, UK, by Springer-Verlag in the LNCS series vol. 1550, pp.118-130.