utopia(s) -- payoff(s) / challenge(s) / game(s) / math(s) / plan(s) / closure ... ... [] ...

* _ .. -- @ media / idea(s) / change(s) / theme(s) ? [:/] _

draw(s) civic mission frame(s):: utopia / mission(s) ...

... it certainly was a remarkable provision of nature to assign to the same species of animals both song and flight, so that those whose job it was to amuse the other living beings with their voices should normally be in high places, from which the sound could spread about through a greater space and reach a larger number of listeners ... [dialogues between fashion and death]

doctrine / reference(s) / dream(s) / context(s) / resource(s)

* - play / social(s) / machine(s) / method(s) / cycle(s) # ! @ Æ