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server-webapi-code-11-flickr-get-images.php / php

  paramaters = array();
  endPoint = "";
  paramaters[] = array("method", "");
  paramaters[] = array("api_key", "KEY");
  paramaters[] = array("user_id", "USERID");
  /* Images by TAG:
          paramaters = array();
          paramaters[] = array("method", "");        
          paramaters[] = array("tags", "flower");
  /* Restrict to License
          paramaters[] = array("license", "2");
  foreach (paramaters AS paramater)
          endPoint .= paramater[0] . "=" . paramater[1] . "&";
  response = file_get_contents(endPoint);
  xml = simplexml_load_string(response);
  foreach(xml->photos->photo as photo)
   echo "<img src=\"{photo['server']}/{photo['id']}_
    {photo['secret']}_m.jpg\" style=\"float: left; display: table-cell; width:   
    240px; height: 240px; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle;\">\n";

(C) Æliens 20/2/2008

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