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basic-javascript-09-Quiz-GlobalFunctions.htm / htm

  <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
  <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
  <title>Global functions</title>
  <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
  // chapter 9 addition to allow timed quizes
  var timeLeft =-1;
  var totalQuestionsToAsk = 0;
  var quizTimerId = 0;
  // questions and answers variables will holds questions and answers
  var questions = new Array();
  var answers = new Array(); 
  var questionsAsked;
  var numberOfQuestionsAsked = 0;
  var numberOfQuestionsCorrect = 0;
  var currentQNumber = -1;
  // define question 1 
  questions[0] = new Array();
  questions[0][0] = "The Beatles were";
  questions[0][1] = "A sixties rock group from Liverpool";
  questions[0][2] = "Four musically gifted insects";
  questions[0][3] = "I don't know - can I have the questions on Baseball please";
  // assign answer for question 1
  answers[0] = "A";
  // define question 2
  questions[1] = new Array();
  questions[1][0] = "Homer Simpson's favorite food is";
  questions[1][1] = "Fresh salad";
  questions[1][2] = "Doughnuts";
  questions[1][3] = "Bread and water";
  questions[1][4] = "Apples";
  // assign answer for question 2
  answers[1] = "B";
  // define question 3
  questions[2] = new Array();
  questions[2][0] = "Lisa Simpson plays which musical instrument";
  questions[2][1] = "Clarinet";
  questions[2][2] = "Oboe";
  questions[2][3] = "Saxophone";
  questions[2][4] = "Tubular Bells"; 
  // assign answer for question 3 
  answers[2] = "C";
  // define question 4
  questions[3] = "In the Simpsons, Bleeding Gums Murphy played which instrument?" 
  // assign answer for question 4
  answers[3] = "\\bsax(ophone)?\\b";
  // define question 5
  questions[4] = "Which American President was involved in the Watergate Scandal?" 
  // assign answer for question 5
  answers[4] = "\\b((Richard |R\\.? ?)(Milhous |M\\.? )?)?Nixon\\b";
  function updateTimeLeft()
     if (timeLeft == 0)
        alert("Time's Up");
        numberOfQuestionsAsked = totalQuestionsToAsk; = "AskQuestion.htm";
        var minutes = Math.floor(timeLeft / 60);
        var seconds = timeLeft - (60 * minutes);
        if (minutes < 10)
           minutes = "0" + minutes;
        if (seconds < 10)
           seconds = "0" + seconds; 
        window.status = "Time left is " + minutes + ":" + seconds;
  function resetQuiz(numberOfQuestions, SelectedTimeLimit)
     timeLeft = SelectedTimeLimit;
     totalQuestionsToAsk = numberOfQuestions;
          var indexCounter;
          currentQNumber = -1;
          questionsAsked = new Array();
          for (indexCounter = 0; indexCounter < questions.length;indexCounter++)
                  questionsAsked[indexCounter] = false;
          numberOfQuestionsAsked = 0;
          numberOfQuestionsCorrect = 0;
     if (timeLeft == -1)
        window.status = "No Time Limit";
        quizTimerId = window.setInterval("updateTimeLeft()",1000);
  function answerCorrect(questionNumber, answer)
     // declare a variable to hold return value
     var correct = false;
     // if answer provided is same as answer then correct answer is true
     var answerRegExp = new RegExp(answers[questionNumber],"i");
     if ( != -1)
        correct = true;
     // return whether the answer was correct (true or false)
     return correct;
  function getQuestion()
          if (totalQuestionsToAsk != numberOfQuestionsAsked)
        var questionNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * questions.length);
        while (questionsAsked[questionNumber] == true)
           questionNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * questions.length);
        var questionLength = questions[questionNumber].length;
        var questionChoice;
        var questionHTML = "<h4>Question " + numberOfQuestionsAsked +  "</h4>";
        // Check if array or string
        if (typeof questions[questionNumber] == "string")
           questionHTML = questionHTML + "<p>" + questions[questionNumber] + "</p>";
           questionHTML = questionHTML + "<p><input type=text name=txtAnswer ";
           questionHTML = questionHTML + " maxlength=100 size=35></p>" 
           questionHTML = questionHTML + '<script type="text/javascript">'
                           + 'document.QuestionForm.txtAnswer.value = "";<\/script>';
        questionHTML = questionHTML + "<p>" + questions[questionNumber][0];
        questionHTML = questionHTML + "</p>";
        for (questionChoice = 1;questionChoice < questionLength;questionChoice++)
           questionHTML = questionHTML + "<input type=radio ";
           questionHTML = questionHTML + "name=radQuestionChoice";
           if (questionChoice == 1)
              questionHTML = questionHTML + " checked";
           questionHTML = questionHTML + ">" +
           questionHTML = questionHTML + "<br>"
        questionHTML = questionHTML + "<br><input type='button' "
        questionHTML = questionHTML + "value='Answer Question'";
        questionHTML = questionHTML + "name=buttonNextQ "; 
        questionHTML = questionHTML + "onclick='return buttonCheckQ_onclick()'>";
        currentQNumber = questionNumber;
        questionsAsked[questionNumber] = true;
         if (timeLeft != -1)
        questionHTML = "<h3>Quiz Complete</h3>";
        questionHTML = questionHTML + "You got " + numberOfQuestionsCorrect;
        questionHTML = questionHTML + " questions correct out of " 
        questionHTML = questionHTML + numberOfQuestionsAsked;
        questionHTML = questionHTML + "<br><br>Your trivia rating is "
        switch(Math.round(((numberOfQuestionsCorrect / numberOfQuestionsAsked) * 10)))
           case 0:
           case 1:
           case 2:
           case 3:
              questionHTML = questionHTML + "Beyond embarrasing";
           case 4:
           case 5:
           case 6:
           case 7:
              questionHTML = questionHTML + "Average";
              questionHTML = questionHTML + "Excellent"
        questionHTML = questionHTML + "<br><br><A href='quizpage.htm'><strong>"
        questionHTML = questionHTML + "Start again</strong></A>"
     return questionHTML;

(C) Æliens 20/2/2008

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