DAS-4/Leiden will be decomissioned after June 13.
DAS-4/VU and DAS-4/Delft have been decommisioned. The role of fs0.das4.cs.vu.nl for password updates has been taken over by fs4.das4.science.uva.nl. For access to old data on DAS-4/VU or DAS-4/Delft, mail das-account@cs.vu.nl.
The DAS-4 clusters have been updated to CentOS 7, and the Nvidia CUDA development kit has been updated to version 8.0 (version 9.1 is also available for recent GPUs). This update makes DAS-4 software-compatible with DAS-5.
DAS-5 is now fully operational! To make room for DAS-5, DAS-4/UvA and DAS-4/ASTRON have been decomissioned, only their headnodes remain available.
DAS-4 (The Distributed ASCI Supercomputer 4) is a six-cluster wide-area distributed system designed by the Advanced School for Computing and Imaging (ASCI). DAS-4 is funded by NWO/NCF (the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research), and the participating universities and organizations (see below). As one of its distinguishing features, DAS-4 employs a number of HPC Accelerators (e.g., currently various GPU types, FPGA's are also planned) and a novel internal wide-area interconnect based on light paths.
The goal of DAS-4 is to provide a common computational infrastructure for researchers within ASCI, who work on various aspects of parallel, distributed, grid and cloud computing, and large-scale multimedia content analysis. The following institutes and organisations are directly involved in the realization and running of DAS-4: