slogan(s) -- creative technology / indeed, language is confusing

_ .. / ... / [] / social / process / change(s) / design(s) / space(s) / _ / .

innovation(s) / collaboration(s)

theme(s) / rule(s) / topic(s)

play / change(s) / human(s) / pattern(s) / experiment(s) / cycle(s)

question(s) / format(s)

   CS -- computer science
   NM -- new media
   ST -- smart technology
   MA -- mathematics
   DE -- design
   CA -- creative applications

target(s) -- creative technology

_ .. from a new media perspective: track(s)

slogan(s) -- dilemma(s) / how to teach attitude(s) & creativity

_ .. / ... / [] / social / process / change(s) / design(s) / space(s) / _ / .

  1. implicit -- confusion is the origin of (all) creativity -- there is no theory / creativity killers / hacking the human / spark(s) / pattern(s)
  2. explicit -- (amateur) course(s) on creativity, philosophy, psychology -- computational art / new media / meaning / planning / workshop(s)
  3. by example(s) -- invite artist(s) & pioneer(s) -- teaching creativity / project(s) / dead media / tube(s)
  4. design case(s) -- facets of fun -- on the design of computer augmented entertainment artefacts [offline!?] -- a long read, indeed!
  5. target(s) -- generation Y / rip it / creative thinking / loser(s) / leader(s) / vision(s) / definition(s)

slogan(s) -- question(s) / awareness 2.0

research / question(s) / change(s) / space(s) / _ / .

Theoretician, artist, do you intend to embellish the existing conditions with the ornament of your abstractions and to give theory or art an appearance of depth at variance with the truth, or do you intend to make (y)our thinking an instrument for the reshaping of these conditions?

I. Svitak -- Man and his world / cycle(s)

slogan(s) -- known(s) / ignorance 2.0

creativity / ... / vision(s) / science / quality / _ / .

innovation(s) / collaboration(s)

... in science only one thing is more wonderful than how much we know, and that is how much we do not know.

I. Svitak -- Man and his world / quest(s)

/ play / tribe(s) / network(s) / identity / flow(s) / chart(s) / cycle(s)

designer vs developer -- culture(s) / question(s)

_ .. / practice(s) / change(s) / vision(s) / _ / .

identity / creativity

... no, at the personal level, you should accept no less than the title of artist and aspire to earn the right to carry the title. And earning this right is influenced not so much by your accomplishments as by your approach: a relentless pursuit of perfection, where the journey is the destination. / from: as3 animation -- making things move

/ play / tribe(s) / network(s) / identity / flow(s) / chart(s) / cycle(s)

culturalization -- in the context of information technology

_ .. / research / question(s) / artist(s) / _ / .

... culturalization within the broader context of information technology (IT) can also be read as a moment of anticipation, a tactical sidetrack in response to the long-term decline of the engineering class in the West. The hegemonic role of computer scientists as inventors can easily been understood, but wasn't going to last forever. Different fields of knowledge, from human computer interaction to usability and new media studies, have ll in their own ways proclaimed the coming of the cultural turn.

MyCreativity: A critique of Creative Industries

slogan(s) -- creative technology / starting from 1st year

_ .. / ... / [] / social / process / change(s) / design(s) / space(s) / _ / .

play / game(s) / project(s) / experiment(s) / cycle(s)

mechanism(s) -- educational element(s)

control(s) -- layered mentorship

slogan(s) -- do you want to make a difference

de Waag

open source

slogan(s) -- challenge(s) / interactive entertainment

_ .. / ... / [] / social / process / change(s) / design(s) / space(s) / _ / .

identity / creativity

facets of fun

/ play / tribe(s) / network(s) / identity / flow(s) / chart(s) / cycle(s)

slogan(s) -- media art(s) / computer augmented artefact(s)

_ .. / ... / [] / social / process / change(s) / design(s) / space(s) / _ / .

twinkle(s) / difference(s)

shift of paradigm(s) / reading(s)

/ play / tribe(s) / network(s) / identity / flow(s) / chart(s) / cycle(s)

structure(s) -- creative explorations of art, science & technology

  1. disciplinary courses -- traditional approach, with regular courses and assignments
  2. project-based work -- lectures to support active exploration of topics by students
  3. creative applications -- challenges, to produce viable solutions for real world applications

educational(s) -- supporting creative thinking through opportunistic software development


  1. Teaching Software Engineering through Game Design
  2. Toy Projects Considered Harmful
  3. The Rethinking CS101 Project
  4. Creating a Science of Games (CACM) (local)
  5. Software Engineering Issues in Interactive Installation Art
  6. Programming by Example -- A Creative Programming Environment, Remixed
  7. Computer Science Education: Where Are the Software Engineers of Tomorrow?

course(s) -- engineering / format(s)

creative exploration(s)
education is a waste of time

politic(s) -- for a co-creative world

design(s) / truth(s) / engineer(s) / room(s) / space(s) / _ / .

twinkle(s) / difference(s)

... we shook hands, my inability to remember that particular moment more precisely is disappointing: the handshake is the treshold act, the beginning of politics.

anonymous: primary colors -- a novel of politics

/ play / tribe(s) / network(s) / identity / flow(s) / chart(s) / cycle(s)