The Annotated VRML 97 Reference

1 Intro     Concepts     3 Nodes     4 Fields/Events    Conformance
A Grammar     B Java     C JavaScript     D Examples     E Related Info    References
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Chapter 3:
Node Reference


+3.38 ProximitySensor

ProximitySensor { 
  exposedField SFVec3f    center      0 0 0    # (-INF,INF)
  exposedField SFVec3f    size        0 0 0    # [0,INF)
  exposedField SFBool     enabled     TRUE
  eventOut     SFBool     isActive
  eventOut     SFVec3f    position_changed
  eventOut     SFRotation orientation_changed
  eventOut     SFTime     enterTime
  eventOut     SFTime     exitTime

The ProximitySensor node generates events when the viewer enters, exits, and moves within a region in space (defined by a box). A proximity sensor is enabled or disabled by sending it an enabled event with a value of TRUE or FALSE. A disabled sensor does not send events.

TIP: Earlier drafts of the specification had two kinds of proximity sensors, BoxProximitySensor and SphereProximitySensor. Only the box version made the final specification because axis-aligned boxes are used in other places in the specification (bounding box fields of grouping nodes), because they are more common than spheres, and because SphereProximitySensor functionality can be created using a Script and a BoxProximitySensor. The BoxProximitySensor must be large enough to enclose the sphere, and the Script just filters the events that come from the box region, passing along only events that occur inside the sphere (generating appropriate enter and exit events, etc.). This same technique can be used if you need to sense the viewer's relationship to any arbitrarily shaped region of space. Just find the box that encloses the region and write a script that throws out events in the uninteresting regions.

A ProximitySensor node generates isActive TRUE/FALSE events as the viewer enters and exits the rectangular box defined by its center and size fields. Browsers shall interpolate viewer positions and timestamp the isActive events with the exact time the viewer first intersected the proximity region. The center field defines the centre point of the proximity region in object space. The size field specifies a vector which defines the width (x), height (y), and depth (z) of the box bounding the region. The components of the size field shall be >= 0.0. ProximitySensor nodes are affected by the hierarchical transformations of their parents.

TECHNICAL NOTE: Browsers move the camera in discrete steps, usually one step per frame rendered when the user is moving. How often the browser renders frames (whether ten frames per second or 60 frames per second) varies depending on how fast the computer is on which it is running and so on. It is important that content creators be able to depend on accurate times from ProximitySensors, which is why it is important that implementations interpolate between sampled user positions to calculate ProximitySensor enter and exit times. For example, you might create a "speed trap" that measures how fast the user moves between two points in the world (and gives the user a virtual speeding ticket if they are moving too quickly). This is easy to accomplish using two ProximitySensors and a Script that takes the two sensors' enterTimes and determines the user's speed as speed = distance / (enterTime1 - enterTime2). This should work even if the sensors are close together and the user is moving fast enough to travel through both of them during one frame, and it will work if the implementation performs the correct interpolation calculation.

If both the user and the ProximitySensor are moving, calculating the precise, theoretical time of intersection can be almost impossible. The VRML specification does not require perfection--implementations are expected only to do the best they can. A reasonable strategy is to simulate the motion of the ProximitySensors first, and then calculate the exact intersection of the user's previous and current position against the final position of the sensor. That will give perfect results when just the user is moving, and will give very good results even when both the user and the sensor are moving.

The enterTime event is generated whenever the isActive TRUE event is generated (user enters the box), and exitTime events are generated whenever an isActive FALSE event is generated (user exits the box).

The position_changed and orientation_changed eventOuts send events whenever the user is contained within the proximity region and the position and orientation of the viewer changes with respect to the ProximitySensor node's coordinate system including enter and exit times. The viewer movement may be a result of a variety of circumstances resulting from browser navigation, ProximitySensor node's coordinate system changes, or bound Viewpoint node's position or orientation changes.

Each ProximitySensor node behaves independently of all other ProximitySensor nodes. Every enabled ProximitySensor node that is affected by the viewer's movement receives and sends events, possibly resulting in multiple ProximitySensor nodes receiving and sending events simultaneously. Unlike TouchSensor nodes, there is no notion of a ProximitySensor node lower in the scene graph "grabbing" events.

Instanced (DEF/USE) ProximitySensor nodes use the union of all the boxes to check for enter and exit. A multiply instanced ProximitySensor node will detect enter and exit for all instances of the box and send set of enter/exit events appropriately. However, if the any of the boxes of a multiply instanced ProximitySensor node overlap, results are undefined.

TECHNICAL NOTE: Instancing a ProximitySensor makes it sense a series of box-shaped regions instead of a single box-shaped region. Results are still well defined, as long as the various instances do not overlap. Results are undefined for viewer movement in the overlapping region. For example, this instanced ProximitySensor overlaps in the unit cube around the origin and results are undefined for position_changed and orientation_changed events generated in that region:

     Transform {
       translation 0 1 0
       children  DEF P ProximitySensor {
          size 1 2 1
     Transform {
       translation 0 -1 0
       children USE P


A ProximitySensor node that surrounds the entire world has an enterTime equal to the time that the world was entered and can be used to start up animations or behaviours as soon as a world is loaded. A ProximitySensor node with a box containing zero volume (i.e., any size field element of 0.0) cannot generate events. This is equivalent to setting the enabled field to FALSE.

TIP: An unanticipated use for ProximitySensors is creating "dashboard" geometry that stays in a fixed position on the computer's screen. Putting a ProximitySensor and a Transform node in the same coordinate system and routing the sensor's position_changed and orientation_changed eventOuts to the Transform's set_translation and set_rotation eventIns, like this

Group {
  children [
    DEF PS ProximitySensor { size ... }
    DEF T Transform { children [...dashboard geom...]}
   ROUTE PS.position_changed TO T.set_translation
   ROUTE PS.orientation_changed TO T.set_rotation

will make the Transform follow the viewer. Any geometry underneath the Transform will therefore stay fixed with respect to the viewer.

There are a couple of potential problems with this solution. First, you must decide on a size for the ProximitySensor. If you want your dashboard to be visible anywhere in your world, you must make the ProximitySensor at least as large as your world. If you don't care about your world being composed into a larger world, just give the Proximity-Sensor a huge size (e.g., size 1e25 1e25 1e25).

Second, precise placement of geometry on the screen is only possible if you know the dimensions of the window into which the VRML browser is rendering and the viewer's field-of-view. A preferred field-of-view can be specified in the Viewpoint node, but the VRML specification provides no way to set the dimensions of the browser's window. Instead, you must use the HTML <EMBED> or <OBJECT> tags to specify the window's dimensions and put the VRML world inside an HTML Web page.

Finally, usually it is desirable for dashboard geometry to always appear on top of other geometry in the scene. This must be done by putting the dashboard geometry inside the empty space between the viewer's eye and the navigation collision radius (set using a NavigationInfo node). Geometry put there should always be on top of any geometry in the scene, since the viewer shouldn't be able to get closer than the collision radius to any scene geometry. However, putting geometry too close to the viewer's eye causes the implementation problem known as "z-buffer tearing," so it is recommended that you put any dashboard geometry between half the collision radius and the collision radius. For example, if the collision radius is 0.1 m (10 cm), place dashboard geometry between 5 and 10 cm away from the viewer (and, of course, the dashboard geometry should be underneath a Collision group that turns off collisions with the dashboard).

TECHNICAL NOTE: ProximitySensor started as a simple feature designed for a few simple uses, but turned out to be a very powerful feature useful for a surprisingly wide variety of tasks. ProximitySensors were first added to VRML 2.0 as a simple trigger for tasks like opening a door or raising a platform when the user arrived at a certain location in the world. The ProximitySensor design had only the isActive SFBool eventOut (and the center and size fields to describe the location and size of the region of interest).

Just knowing whether or not viewers are in a region of space is very useful, but sometimes it is desirable to know exactly where viewers enter the space or the orientation of viewers when they enter the space. You might want to create a doorway that only opens if viewers approach it facing forward (and stays shut if the users back into it), for example. The position_changed and orientation_changed events were added to give this information, but were defined to generate events only when the isActive eventOut generated events--when a viewer entered or exited the region. While the ProximitySensor design was being revised, two other commonly requested features were being designed: allowing a Script to find out the current position and orientation of the viewer, and notifying a Script when the viewer moves.

The obvious solution to the first problem is to provide getCurrentPosition()/getCurrentOrientation() methods that a Script could call at any time to find out the current position and orientation of the viewer. The problem with this solution is that Script nodes are not necessarily part of the scene hierarchy and so are not necessarily defined in any particular coordinate system. For the results of a getCurrentPosition() call to make any sense, they must be defined in some coordinate system known to the creator of the Script. Requiring every Script to be part of the scene hierarchy just in case the Script makes these calls is a bad solution, since it adds a restriction that is unnecessary in most cases (most Script nodes will not care about the position or orientation of the viewer). Requiring some Script nodes to be defined in a particular coordinate system but not requiring others is also a bad solution, because it is inconsistent and error prone. And reporting positions and orientations in some world coordinate system is also a bad solution, because the world coordinate system may not be known to the author of the Script. VRML worlds are meant to be composable, with the world coordinate system of one world becoming just another local coordinate system when that world is included in a larger world.

The obvious solution for the second problem is allowing Scripts to register callback methods that the browser calls whenever the viewer's position or orientation changes. This has all of the coordinate system problems just described, plus scalability problems. Every Script that registered these "tell-me-when-the-viewer-moves" callbacks would make the VRML browser do a little bit of extra work. In a very large virtual world, the overhead of informing thousands or millions of Scripts that the viewer moved would leave the browser no time to do anything else.

The not-so-obvious solution that addressed all of these problems was to use the position_changed and orientation_changed eventOuts of the ProximitySensor. They were redefined to generate events whenever the viewer moved inside the region defined by the ProximitySensor instead of just generating events when the user crossed the boundaries of the region, making it easy to ROUTE them to a Script that wants to be informed whenever the viewer's position or orientation changes. The coordinate system problems are solved because ProximitySensors define a particular region of the world, and so must be part of the scene hierarchy and exist in some coordinate system.

The scalability problem is solved by requiring world creators to define the region in which they're interested. As long as they define reasonably sized regions, browsers will be able to generate events efficiently only for ProximitySensors that are relevant. If world creators don't care about scalability, they can just define a very, very large ProximitySensor (size 1e25 1e25 1e25 should be big enough; assuming the default units of meters, it is about the size of the observable universe and is still much smaller than the largest legal floating point value, which is about 1e38).

Scripts that just want to know the current position (or orientation) of the user can simply read the position_changed (or orientation_changed) eventOut of a ProximitySensor whenever convenient. If the position_changed eventOut does not have any ROUTEs coming from it, the browser does not have to update it until a Script tries to read from it, making this solution just as efficient as having the Script call a getCurrentPosition() method.

EXAMPLE (click to run): The following example illustrates the use of the ProximitySensor node (see Figure 3-45). The file contains three ProximitySensor nodes. The first one, PS1, illustrates how to create a simple HUD by defining the sensor's bounding box to enclose the entire world (probably a good idea to put some walls up) and then track the position and orientation of the user's avatar during navigation. Then, adjust the HUD geometry (a Sphere with a TouchSensor) to stay in view. Clicking down on the SphereSensor/TouchSensor binds to a Viewpoint, V2, and unbinds on release. The second ProximitySensor, PS2, encloses the small pavilion on the left side of the scene. On entering the sensor's bounding box, an AudioClip greeting is started. The third ProximitySensor, PS3, encloses the identical pavilion on the right side. On entering this pavilion, a Cone floating inside begins a looping animation and stops when the user exits the pavilion:

#VRML V2.0 utf8
Group { children [
  Collision {
    collide FALSE
    children [
      DEF PS1 ProximitySensor { size 100 10 100 }
      DEF T1 Transform {
        children Transform {
          translation 0.05 -0.05 -.15 # Relative to view
          children  [
            DEF TS TouchSensor {}
            Shape {
              appearance DEF A1 Appearance {
                material Material { diffuseColor 1 .5 .5 }
              geometry Sphere { radius 0.005 }
  Transform {
    translation -7 1 0
    children [
      DEF PS2 ProximitySensor {
        center 2.5 1 -2.5 size 5 2 5
      Sound {
        location 2.5 1 2.5
        maxBack 5 minBack 5
        maxFront 5 minFront 5
        source DEF AC AudioClip {
          description "Someone entered the room."
          url "enterRoom.wav"
      DEF G Group { children [
        DEF S Shape {
          geometry Box { size 0.2 2 0.2 }
          appearance DEF A2 Appearance {
            material Material { diffuseColor 1 1 1 }
        Transform { translation 5 0 0 children USE S }
        Transform { translation 5 0 -5 children USE S }
        Transform { translation 0 0 -5 children USE S }
        Transform {
          translation 2.5 2 -2.5
          children Shape {
            appearance USE A1
            geometry Cone { bottomRadius 5.0 height 1.2 }
  Transform {
    translation 7 1 0
    children [
      DEF PS3 ProximitySensor {
        center 2.5 1 -2.5 size 5 2 5
      USE G
      DEF T Transform {
        translation 2.5 0 -2.5
        children Shape {
          geometry Cone { bottomRadius 0.3 height 0.5 }
          appearance USE A1
      DEF TIS TimeSensor {}
      DEF OI OrientationInterpolator {
        key [ 0.0, .5, 1.0 ]
        keyValue [ 0 0 1 0, 0 0 1 3.14, 0 0 1 6.28 ]
  Transform {               # Floor
    translation -20 0 -20
    children Shape {
      appearance USE A2
      geometry ElevationGrid {
        height [ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
                 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ]
        xDimension 5
        zDimension 5
        xSpacing 10
        zSpacing 10
  DirectionalLight {
    direction -.707 -.707 0 intensity 1
  Background { skyColor 1 1 1 }
  NavigationInfo { type "WALK" }
  DEF V1 Viewpoint {
    position 5 1.6 18
    orientation -.2 0 .9 0
    description "Initial view"
  DEF V2 Viewpoint {
    position 10 1.6 10
    orientation -.707 0 -.707 0
    description "View of the pavilions"
ROUTE TS.isActive TO V2.set_bind
ROUTE PS1.orientation_changed TO T1.rotation
ROUTE PS1.position_changed TO T1.translation
ROUTE PS2.enterTime TO AC.startTime
ROUTE PS3.isActive TO TIS.loop
ROUTE PS3.enterTime TO TIS.startTime
ROUTE TIS.fraction_changed TO OI.set_fraction


ProximitySensor node example

Figure 3-45: ProximitySensor Node Example