choice -- payoff(s) / challenge(s) / game(s) / math(s) / plan(s)

* _ .. -- @ media / idea(s) / change(s) / theme(s) ? [:/] _

education(s) question(s) moral(s) rethoric(s) war(s)

... traditional rationalist theory ... -- ... law induces or restraints, by virtue of the force of reason ... -- ... we are moral insofar as we bring our willpower under the constraint of such universal law, and thereby exert force and control over our bodily actions ...

life(s) / closure(s) / reflect(s) / fight(s) / moral imagination(s) []

[] norm(s)utopiarule(s)ethic(s)answer(s)failure(s)[]

* - play / social(s) / machine(s) / method(s) / cycle(s) # ! @ Æ