narrative -- payoff(s) / challenge(s) / game(s) / math(s) / plan(s)

* _ .. -- @ media / idea(s) / change(s) / theme(s) ? [:/] _

education(s) question(s) moral(s) rethoric(s) war(s) ask: [] []: xl --

... the mind is a narrative machine, guided unconsciously by the epigenetic rules on creating scenarios and creating options ...
... the narratives and artefacts that prove most innately satisfying spread and become culture ...

story / life(s) / fight(s) / room(s) / literary animal []

[] norm(s)utopiarule(s)ethic(s)answer(s)failure(s)[]

* - play / social(s) / machine(s) / method(s) / cycle(s) # ! @ Æ