topical media & game development

talk show tell print [swf] flex

  package {
          import caurina.transitions.Tweener;
          import flash.display.Sprite;
          import flash.filters.GlowFilter;
          import sandy.core.Scene3D;
          import sandy.core.scenegraph.Camera3D;
          import sandy.core.scenegraph.Group;
          import sandy.core.scenegraph.Shape3D;
          import sandy.materials.Appearance;
          import sandy.materials.ColorMaterial;
          import sandy.materials.attributes.LightAttributes;
          import sandy.materials.attributes.MaterialAttributes;
          [SWF(width="400", height="200", backgroundColor='#000000', frameRate='24', quality='high')]
  24 September 2007
author: Dennis Ippel -

          public class @ax-flex-sandy-interactive extends Sprite
                  private var scene:Scene3D;
                  private var selectedMenuItem:Shape3D;
                  private var menuItem1:flex_sandy_menu_1;
                  private var menuItem2:flex_sandy_menu_2;
                  private var menuItem3:flex_sandy_menu_3;        
                  public function @ax-flex-sandy-interactive()
                          addEventListener( Event.ENTER_FRAME, enterFrameHandler );
                  private function init():void
                          // -- configure the camera, move it upwards a little
                          var camera:Camera3D = new Camera3D( 400, 200 );
                          camera.y = 25;
                          camera.z = -75;
                          camera.lookAt( 0, 0, 0 );
                          // -- creat the root group and the scene
                          var root:Group = new Group( "root" );
                          scene = new Scene3D( "scene", this, camera, root );
                          // -- menu item 1
                          menuItem1 = new flex_sandy_menu_1( "menuItem1" );
                          configureMenuItem( menuItem1, 0xff0000, -50, -25 );
                          // -- menu item 2
                          menuItem2 = new flex_sandy_menu_2( "menuItem2" );
                          configureMenuItem( menuItem2, 0xffff00, 0, -25 );
                          // -- menu item 3
                          menuItem3 = new flex_sandy_menu_3( "menuItem3" );
                          configureMenuItem( menuItem3, 0x00ff00, 50, -25 );                        
The handler for the mouse over event
parameter: event

                  private function mouseOverHandler( event:MouseEvent ):void
                          // -- get the target container. The event handler
                          //    was attached to the Shape3D's container. Here
                          //    we use it again to apply a filter
                          var container:Sprite = as Sprite;
                          // -- apply a glow filter to the container
                          container.filters = [
                                  new GlowFilter( 0xffffff, 1, 12, 12 )
                          // -- get the Shape3D this container is in
                          var currentShape:Shape3D = getShape3DByContainer( container );
                          // -- create a tween
                          Tweener.addTween( currentShape, {
                                  rotateX: 90,
                                  time : 1, 
                                  transition : "easeOutBounce"
The handler for the mouse out event
parameter: event

                  private function mouseOutHandler( event:MouseEvent ):void
                          // -- get the target container. The event handler
                          //    was attached to the Shape3D's container. Here
                          //    we use it again to remove a filter
                          var container:Sprite = as Sprite;
                          container.filters = [];
                          // -- get the Shape3D this container is in
                          var currentShape:Shape3D = getShape3DByContainer( container );
                          // -- create a tween
                          Tweener.addTween( currentShape, {
                                  rotateX: 0,
                                  time : 0.5, 
                                  transition : "easeOutBounce"
The handler for the mouse click event
parameter: event

                  private function clickHandler( event:MouseEvent ):void
                          // -- get the target container.
                          var container:Sprite = as Sprite;
                          // -- get the Shape3D this container is in
                          var currentShape:Shape3D = getShape3DByContainer( container );
                          // -- create a tween
                          Tweener.addTween( currentShape, {
                                  z: 50,
                                  time : 0.5, 
                                  transition : "easeOutSine",
                                  onComplete : function():void
                                          // -- tween back to the original position
                                          Tweener.addTween( currentShape, 
                                                  z: 0,
                                                  time : 1, 
                                                  transition : "easeOutSine"
Compares the given container Sprite to all the container Sprites in the scene.
parameter: container

                  private function getShape3DByContainer( container:Sprite ):Shape3D
                          for each( var shape:Object in scene.root.children )
                                  if( shape is Shape3D && shape.container == container )
                                          return shape as Shape3D;
                          return null;
Adds standard properties to the items
parameter: item
parameter: color
parameter: x
parameter: y

                  private function configureMenuItem( item:Shape3D, color:uint, x:int, y:int ):void
                          // -- appearance / material properties
                          var mattAttr:MaterialAttributes = new MaterialAttributes(
                                  new LightAttributes( false, 0.3 )
                          item.appearance = new Appearance(
                                  new ColorMaterial( color, 100, mattAttr )
                          item.appearance.frontMaterial.lightingEnable = true;
                          // -- position
                          item.x = x;
                          item.y = y;
                          // -- add event listeners to this Shape3D's container. The
                          //    container is a Sprite, native to Flash
                          item.container.addEventListener( MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, mouseOverHandler );
                          item.container.addEventListener( MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, mouseOutHandler );
                          item.container.addEventListener( MouseEvent.CLICK, clickHandler );
                          item.container.useHandCursor = true;
                          item.container.buttonMode = true;
                          // -- add this Shape3D to the scene
                          scene.root.addChild( item );
                  private function enterFrameHandler( event:Event ):void

(C) Æliens 27/08/2009

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