
Assertions -- formal specification

slide: Formal specification of contracts

slide: The substitutability requirement

  class account {  
public: account(); // assert( invariant() ); virtual float balance() { return _balance; } void deposit(float x);
to deposit money
// require( x >= 0 ); // promise( balance() == old_balance + x && invariant() ); void withdraw(float x);
to withdraw money
// require( x <= balance() ); // promise( balance() == old_balance - x && invariant() ); bool invariant() { return balance() >= 0; } protected: float _balance; };

slide: The $account$ contract

System development

A pre-condition limits the cases that a supplier must handle!

slide: System development with contracts

  class account { 
public: account() { _balance = 0; assert(invariant()); } virtual float balance() { return _balance; } void deposit(float x) { require( x >= 0 ); // check precondition hold(); // to save the old state _balance += x; promise( balance() == old_balance + x ); promise( invariant() ); } void withdraw(float x) { require( x <= _balance ); // check precondition hold(); // to save the old state _balance -= x; promise( balance() == old_balance - x ); promise( invariant() ); } virtual bool invariant() { return balance() >= 0; } protected: float _balance; float old_balance; // additional variable virtual void hold() { old_balance = _balance; } };

slide: The realization of the $account$ contract

Refining a contract -- state responsibilities and obligations

  • invariance -- respect the invariants of the base class
  • methods -- services may be added or refined

Refining a method -- like improving a business contract

  class C : public P {
  	virtual void m();

  • pre(m_C) >= pre(m_P)

  • post(m_C) <= post(m_P)

slide: Contracts and inheritance

  class credit_account : public account { 
public: credit_account(float x) { _maxcredit = x; _credit = 0; } float balance() { return _balance + _credit; } float credit(float x) { require( x + _credit <= _maxcredit ); hold(); _credit += x; promise( _credit = old_credit + x ); promise( _balance = old_balance); promise( invariant() ); } void reduce(float x) { require( 0 <= x && x <= _credit ); hold(); _credit -= x; promise( _credit = old_credit - x ); promise( _balance = old_balance ); promise( invariant() ); } bool invariant() { return _credit <= _maxcredit && account::invariant(); } protected: float _maxcredit, _credit; float old_credit; void hold() { old_credit = _credit; account::hold(); } };

slide: Refining the account contract

Assertions -- side-effect free


  • require -- test on delivery
  • promise -- test during development

Object invariance -- exceptions

  • invariant -- verify when needed

Global properties -- requirements

  • interaction protocols -- formal specification

slide: Runtime consistency checking