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basic-regex-20-Positional.htm / htm

  <title>Positional Metacharacters</title>
  <script language="vbscript" type="text/vbscript">
  Dim myRegExp, TestString, displayString, MatchOrNot
  Function FindMatch
  displayString = ""
  Set myRegExp = new RegExp
  myRegExp.Pattern = "[A-Z]\d{2}"
  myRegExp.IgnoreCase = False
  myRegExp.Global = False
  TestString = InputBox("Enter one alphabetic character and two numbers in the text box below.")
  MatchOrNot = myRegexp.Test(TestString)
  If MatchOrNot Then
  displayString = "When the pattern is '" & myRegExp.Pattern & "' the input '" _
          & TestString & "' contains a match."
  displayString = "When the pattern is '" & myRegExp.Pattern & "' the input '" _
          & TestString & "' does not contain a match."
  End If
  myRegExp.Pattern = "^[A-Z]\d{2}"
  MatchOrNot = myRegexp.Test(TestString)
  If MatchOrNot Then
  displayString = displayString & VBCrLf & "When the pattern is '" & myRegExp.Pattern & "' the input '" _
          & TestString & "' contains a match."
  displayString = displayString & VBCrLf & "When the pattern is '" & myRegExp.Pattern & "' the input '" _
          & TestString & "' does not contain a match."
  End If
  MsgBox displayString
  End Function
  <body onload="FindMatch">

(C) Æliens 20/2/2008

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