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game-xna-intro-XnaShooter-Graphics-SpriteHelper.cs / cs

  // Project: XnaShooterVs2005, File: SpriteHelper.cs
  // Namespace: XnaShooter.Graphics, Class: SpriteHelper
  // Path: C:\code\XnaBook\XnaShooter\Graphics, Author: Abi
  // Code lines: 368, Size of file: 11,31 KB
  // Creation date: 27.11.2006 04:51
  // Last modified: 27.11.2006 05:07
  // Generated with Commenter by
  #region Using directives
  using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
  using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;
  using System;
  using System.Collections.Generic;
  using System.Text;
  using Texture = XnaShooter.Graphics.Texture;
  using XnaShooter.Game;
  namespace XnaShooter.Graphics
<summary> Sprite helper class to manage and render sprites. </summary> internal class SpriteHelper { #region SpriteToRender helper class <summary> Sprite to render </summary> class SpriteToRender { #region Variables <summary> Texture </summary> public Texture texture; <summary> Rectangle </summary> public Rectangle rect; <summary> Source pixel rectangle </summary> public Rectangle pixelRect; <summary> Color </summary> public Color color; <summary> Rotation </summary> public float rotation = 0; <summary> Rotation point for rotated sprites. </summary> public Vector2 rotationPoint = Vector2.Zero; <summary> Blend mode, defaults to SpriteBlendMode.AlphaBlend </summary> public SpriteBlendMode blendMode = SpriteBlendMode.AlphaBlend; #endregion

                          #region Constructor
<summary> Create sprite to render </summary> <param name="setTexture">Set texture</param> <param name="setRect">Set rectangle</param> <param name="setPixelRect">Set source rectangle</param> <param name="setColor">Set color</param> public SpriteToRender(Texture setTexture, Rectangle setRect, Rectangle setPixelRect, Color setColor) { texture = setTexture; rect = setRect; pixelRect = setPixelRect; color = setColor; } // SpriteToRender(setTexture, setRect, setSourceRect) <summary> Create sprite to render </summary> <param name="setTex">Set tex</param> <param name="setRect">Set rectangle</param> <param name="setPixelRect">Set pixel rectangle</param> <param name="setColor">Set color</param> <param name="alphaMode">Alpha mode</param> public SpriteToRender(Texture setTex, Rectangle setRect, Rectangle setPixelRect, Color setColor, SpriteBlendMode setBlendMode) { texture = setTex; rect = setRect; pixelRect = setPixelRect; color = setColor; blendMode = setBlendMode; } // SpriteToRender(setTex, setRect, setPixelRect)

<summary> Create sprite to render </summary> <param name="setTex">Set tex</param> <param name="setRect">Set rectangle</param> <param name="setPixelRect">Set pixel rectangle</param> <param name="setRotation">Set rotation</param> <param name="setRotationPoint">Set rotation point</param> public SpriteToRender(Texture setTex, Rectangle setRect, Rectangle setPixelRect, float setRotation, Vector2 setRotationPoint) { texture = setTex; rect = setRect; pixelRect = setPixelRect; rotation = setRotation; rotationPoint = setRotationPoint; } // SpriteToRender(setTex, setRect, setPixelRect) #endregion #region Render <summary> Render </summary> <param name="uiSprites">User interface sprites public void Render(SpriteBatch uiSprites) { // Don't render if texture is null (else XNA throws an exception!) if (texture == null || texture.XnaTexture == null || color.A == 0) return;

                                  if (rotation == 0)
                                          uiSprites.Draw(texture.XnaTexture, rect, pixelRect, color);
                                          uiSprites.Draw(texture.XnaTexture, rect, pixelRect, color, rotation,
                                                  //new Vector2(rect.X + rect.Width / 2, rect.Y + rect.Height / 2),
                                                  SpriteEffects.None, 0);
                          } // Render(uiSprites)
                  } // class SpriteToRender
                  #region Variables
<summary> Keep a list of all sprites we have to render this frame. </summary> static List<SpriteToRender> sprites = new List<SpriteToRender>(); <summary> Sprite batch for rendering </summary> static SpriteBatch spriteBatch = null; #endregion

                  #region Dispose
<summary> Dispose the static spriteBatch and sprites helpers in case the device gets lost. </summary> public static void Dispose() { sprites.Clear(); if (spriteBatch != null) spriteBatch.Dispose(); spriteBatch = null; } // Dispose() #endregion

                  #region Private constructor
<summary> Create sprite helper, private. Instantiation is not allowed. </summary> private SpriteHelper() { } // SpriteHelper() #endregion

                  #region Add sprite to render
<summary> Add sprite to render </summary> <param name="texture">Texture</param> <param name="rect">Rectangle</param> <param name="gfxRect">Gfx rectangle</param> <param name="color">Color</param> public static void AddSpriteToRender( Texture texture, Rectangle rect, Rectangle gfxRect, Color color) { sprites.Add(new SpriteToRender(texture, rect, gfxRect, color)); } // AddSpriteToRender(texture, rect, gfxRect)

<summary> Add sprite to render </summary> <param name="texture">Texture</param> <param name="rect">Rectangle</param> <param name="gfxRect">Gfx rectangle</param> public static void AddSpriteToRender( Texture texture, Rectangle rect, Rectangle gfxRect) { sprites.Add(new SpriteToRender(texture, rect, gfxRect, Color.White)); } // AddSpriteToRender(texture, rect, gfxRect) <summary> Add sprite to render </summary> <param name="texture">Texture</param> <param name="rect">Rectangle</param> <param name="gfxRect">Gfx rectangle</param> public static void AddSpriteToRender( Texture texture, Rectangle rect, Rectangle gfxRect, Color color, SpriteBlendMode blendMode) { sprites.Add( new SpriteToRender(texture, rect, gfxRect, color, blendMode)); } // AddSpriteToRender(texture, rect, gfxRect)

<summary> Add sprite to render </summary> <param name="texture">Texture</param> <param name="rect">Rectangle</param> public static void AddSpriteToRender( Texture texture, Rectangle rect, Color color) { AddSpriteToRender(texture, rect, texture.GfxRectangle, color); } // AddSpriteToRender(texture, rect, color) <summary> Add sprite to render </summary> <param name="texture">Texture</param> <param name="rect">Rectangle</param> public static void AddSpriteToRender( Texture texture, Rectangle rect) { AddSpriteToRender(texture, rect, texture.GfxRectangle, Color.White); } // AddSpriteToRender(texture, rect)

<summary> Add sprite to render </summary> <param name="texture">Texture</param> <param name="x">X</param> <param name="y">Y</param> public static void AddSpriteToRender( Texture texture, int x, int y, Color color) { AddSpriteToRender(texture, new Rectangle(x, y, texture.GfxRectangle.Width, texture.GfxRectangle.Height), color); } // AddSpriteToRender(texture, x, y)

<summary> Add sprite to render </summary> <param name="texture">Texture</param> public static void AddSpriteToRender( Texture texture, int x, int y) { AddSpriteToRender(texture, new Rectangle(x, y, texture.GfxRectangle.Width, texture.GfxRectangle.Height)); } // AddSpriteToRender(texture, x, y)

<summary> Add sprite to render </summary> <param name="texture">Texture</param> public static void AddSpriteToRender( Texture texture) { AddSpriteToRender(texture, new Rectangle(0, 0, 1024, 768)); } // AddSpriteToRender(texture) <summary> Add sprite to render </summary> <param name="tex">Tex</param> <param name="rect">Rectangle</param> <param name="pixelRect">Pixel rectangle</param> <param name="rotation">Rotation</param> public static void AddSpriteToRender(Texture tex, Rectangle rect, Rectangle pixelRect, float rotation, Vector2 rotationPoint) { sprites.Add(new SpriteToRender( tex, rect, pixelRect, rotation, rotationPoint)); } // AddSpriteToRender(tex, rect, pixelRect)

<summary> Add sprite to render centered </summary> <param name="texture">Texture</param> <param name="x">X</param> <param name="y">Y</param> <param name="scale">Scale</param> public static void AddSpriteToRenderCentered( Texture texture, float x, float y, float scale) { AddSpriteToRender(texture, new Rectangle( (int)(x * 1024 - scale * texture.GfxRectangle.Width/2), (int)(y * 768 - scale * texture.GfxRectangle.Height/2), (int)(scale * texture.GfxRectangle.Width), (int)(scale * texture.GfxRectangle.Height))); } // AddSpriteToRenderCentered(texture, x, y)

<summary> Add sprite to render centered </summary> <param name="texture">Texture</param> <param name="pos">Position</param> public static void AddSpriteToRenderCentered( Texture texture, float x, float y) { AddSpriteToRenderCentered(texture, x, y, 1); } // AddSpriteToRenderCentered(texture, x, y)

<summary> Add sprite to render centered </summary> <param name="texture">Texture</param> <param name="pos">Position</param> public static void AddSpriteToRenderCentered( Texture texture, Vector2 pos) { AddSpriteToRenderCentered(texture, pos.X, pos.Y); } // AddSpriteToRenderCentered(texture, pos) #endregion

                  #region DrawSprites
<summary> Draw sprites </summary> <param name="width">Width</param> <param name="height">Height</param> public static void DrawSprites(int width, int height) { // No need to render if we got no sprites this frame if (sprites.Count == 0) return;

                          // Create sprite batch if we have not done it yet.
                          // Use device from texture to create the sprite batch.
                          if (spriteBatch == null)
                                  spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(BaseGame.Device);
                          // Render all textures on our ui sprite batch
                          if (sprites.Count > 0)
                                  // We can improve a little performance by rendering
                                  // the additive stuff at first end!
                                  bool startedAdditiveSpriteMode = false;
                                  for (int spriteNum = 0; spriteNum < sprites.Count; spriteNum++)
                                          SpriteToRender sprite = sprites[spriteNum];
                                          if (sprite.blendMode == SpriteBlendMode.Additive)
                                                  if (startedAdditiveSpriteMode == false)
                                                          startedAdditiveSpriteMode = true;
                                                  } // if (startedAdditiveSpriteMode)
                                          } // if (sprite.blendMode)
                                  } // for (spriteNum)
                                  if (startedAdditiveSpriteMode)
                                  // Handle all remembered sprites
                                  for (int spriteNum = 0; spriteNum < sprites.Count; spriteNum++)
                                          SpriteToRender sprite = sprites[spriteNum];
                                          if (sprite.blendMode != SpriteBlendMode.Additive)
                                                  // Dunno why, but for some reason we have start a new sprite
                                                  // for each texture change we have. Else stuff is not rendered
                                                  // in the correct order on top of each other.
                                          } // if (sprite.blendMode)
                                  } // for (spriteNum)
                                  // Kill list of remembered sprites
                          } // if (sprites.Count)
                  } // DrawSprites(width, height)
          } // class SpriteHelper
  } // namespace XnaShooter.Graphics

(C) Æliens 20/2/2008

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