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graphic-directx-game-19-Rain-d3dApp.h / h

  // d3dApp.h by Frank Luna (C) 2005 All Rights Reserved.
  // Contains the base Direct3D application class which provides the
  // framework interface for the sample applications.  Clients are to derive 
  // from D3DApp, override the framework methods, and instantiate only a single
  // instance of the derived D3DApp class.  At the same time, the client should
  // set the global application  pointer (gd3dApp) to point to the one and only
  // instance, e.g., gd3dApp = new HelloD3DApp(hInstance);
  ifndef D3DAPP_H
  define D3DAPP_H
  include <d3dUtil.h>
  include <string>
  class D3DApp
          D3DApp(HINSTANCE hInstance, std::string winCaption, D3DDEVTYPE devType, DWORD requestedVP);
          virtual ~D3DApp();
          HINSTANCE getAppInst();
          HWND      getMainWnd();
          // Framework methods.  Derived client class overrides these methods to 
          // implement specific application requirements.
          virtual bool checkDeviceCaps()     { return true; }
          virtual void onLostDevice()        {}
          virtual void onResetDevice()       {}
          virtual void updateScene(float dt) {}
          virtual void drawScene()           {}
          // Override these methods only if you do not like the default window creation,
          // direct3D device creation, window procedure, or message loop.  In general,
          // for the sample programs of this book, we will not need to modify these.
          virtual void initMainWindow();
          virtual void initDirect3D();
          virtual int run();
          virtual LRESULT msgProc(UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
          void enableFullScreenMode(bool enable);
          bool isDeviceLost();
          // Derived client class can modify these data members in the constructor to 
          // customize the application.  
          std::string mMainWndCaption;
          D3DDEVTYPE  mDevType;
          DWORD       mRequestedVP;
          // Application, Windows, and Direct3D data members.
          HINSTANCE             mhAppInst;
          HWND                  mhMainWnd;
          IDirect3D9*           md3dObject;
          bool                  mAppPaused;
  // Globals for convenient access.
  extern D3DApp* gd3dApp;
  extern IDirect3DDevice9* gd3dDevice;
  endif // D3DAPP_H

(C) Æliens 20/2/2008

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