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  package org.as3lib.kitchensync.easing
<p>@ax-lib-flex-animation-code-10-org-as3lib-kitchensync-easing-Linear produces values that increase in a linear fashion without any accelleration. It simply finds the percentage complete from the time elapsed to the duration. Since there is no variation in the values produced, there is no need for multiple easing functions and only <code>ease()</code> is provided. Visually, this class produces values that cause a subject to move steadily from one point to another.</p> <p>The easing classes provide static methods for interpolating the change between two values over time. Each class handles the interpolation, or easing, differently. Each class typically contains three methods - <code>easeIn()</code>, <code>easeOut()</code> and <code>easeInOut()</code> - which vary the rate of change of the values. Most of the easing functions produce values as a percentage - a number between 0.0 and 1.0</p>
author: modified by Mims H. Wright, 2007
author: (c) 2003 Robert Penner, all rights reserved. - This work is subject to the terms in
see: EasingUtil

          public class @ax-lib-flex-animation-code-10-org-as3lib-kitchensync-easing-Linear
Computes the percentage finished between the time elapsed and the duration. No transformations are made.
parameter: timeElapsed The time since the tween began in milliseconds or frames.
parameter: duration The duration of the tween, in milliseconds or frames.
returns: percentage complete - between 0.0 and 1.0

                  public static function ease(timeElapsed:Number, duration:Number):Number{
                          return timeElapsed / duration;

(C) Æliens 19/08/2009

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