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professional-sql-11-lib-CommandLine.php / php

  // extend Exception class for custom exception type
  class CommandLineOptionException extends Exception { }
  class CommandLine
      // define different configuration file types
      const CONFIG_TYPE_PLAIN = 1;
      const CONFIG_TYPE_INI = 2;
      // accept array of command line arguments, optional array of
      // valid/whitelist options
      static public function parseOptions(args, allowed = array())
          options = array();
          count = count(args);
          // retrive arguments and populate options array
          for (i = 1; i < count; i++)
              // retrieve arguments in form of --abc=foo
              if (preg_match('/^--([-A-Z0-9]+)=(.+)/i', args[i], matches))
                  if (empty(allowed) || in_array(matches[1], allowed))
                      options[matches[1]] = matches[2];
                      throw new CommandLineOptionException(
                          'Unrecognized option ' . matches[1]);
              // retrieve --abc arguments
              else if (substr(args[i], 0, 2) == '--')
                  tmp = substr(args[i], 2);
                  if (empty(allowed) || in_array(tmp, allowed))
                      options[tmp] = true;
                      throw new CommandLineOptionException(
                          'Unrecognized option ' . tmp);
              // retrieve -abc foo, -abc, -a foo and -a arguments
              else if (args[i][0] == '-' && strlen(args[i]) > 1)
                  // set all arguments to true except for last in sequence
                  for (j = 1; j < strlen(args[i]) - 1; j++)
                      if (empty(allowed) || in_array(args[i][j], allowed))
                          options[args[i][j]] = true;
                          throw new CommandLineOptionException(
                              'Unrecognized option ' . args[i][j]);
                  // set last argument in compressed sequence
                  tmp = substr(args[i], -1, 1);
                  if (empty(allowed) || in_array(tmp, allowed))
                      // assign next args value if is value
                      if (i + 1 < count && args[i + 1][0] != '-')
                          options[tmp] = args[i + 1];
                      // assign option as boolean
                          options[tmp] = true;
                      throw new CommandLineOptionException(
                          'Unrecognized option ' . tmp);
              // invalid option format
                  throw new CommandLineOptionException(
                      'Invalid option format at ' . args[i]);
          return options;
      // process a configuration file and return its options as an array
      static public function parseConfigFile(file, type = CONFIG_TYPE_PLAIN)
          options = array();
          // process plain configuration file
          if (type == CONFIG_TYPE_PLAIN)
              fp = fopen(file, 'r');
              while (!feof(fp))
                  line = trim(fgets(fp));
                  // skip blank lines and comments
                  if (line && !preg('^#', line))
                      pieces = explode('=', line);
                      opt = trim(pieces[0]);
                      value = trim(pieces[1]);
                      options[opt] = value;
          // process ini configuration file
          else if (type == CONFIG_TYPE_INI)
              options = parse_ini_file(file);
          return options;
      // prompt for user input, accept optional maximum input length and 
      // callback function for validation
      static public function prompt(label, length = 255, callback = null)
          echo label . ': ';
          value = trim(fread(STDIN, 255));
          return (callback) ? call_user_func(callback, value) : value;
      // prompt for user input, accept optional default value, maximum input
      // length and callback function for validation
      static public function promptDefault(label, default = null, 
          length = 255, callback = null)
          label .= ' [' . default .']';
          value = self::prompt(label, length);
          if (!value)
              value = default;
          return (callback) ? call_user_func(callback, value) : value;

(C) Æliens 20/2/2008

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