topical media & game development

talk show tell print (swf ) [ flash ]



// // Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Adobe Macromedia Software LLC and its licensors. // All Rights Reserved. // The following is Sample Code and is subject to all restrictions on such code // as contained in the End User License Agreement accompanying this product. // If you have received this file from a source other than Adobe, // then your use, modification, or distribution of it requires // the prior written permission of Adobe. //


package { import flash.geom.Point; import mx.core.Application; import mx.core.UIComponent; import mx.effects.Move; import mx.effects.Parallel; import mx.effects.Resize; public class sample-Carousel extends UIComponent { private var picPos:Array; private var picDimension:Array; public function sample-Carousel() { super(); } override protected function createChildren():void { super.createChildren(); for (var i:int = 0; i < 9; i++) { addChild(new sample_CarouselImage()); } } private var _gallery:sample_Gallery; [Bindable] public function get gallery():sample_Gallery { return _gallery; } public function set gallery(value:sample_Gallery):void { _gallery = value; } public function reset():void { var selected:int = gallery.selected; var appWidth:int = Application.application.width; var compHeight:int = (Application.application.height - 90)*.8; picDimension = new Array(9); picPos = new Array(9); picDimension[0] = appWidth*.05; picDimension[1] = appWidth*.05; picDimension[2] = appWidth*.10; picDimension[3] = appWidth*.15; picDimension[4] = appWidth*.4; picDimension[5] = appWidth*.15; picDimension[6] = appWidth*.10; picDimension[7] = appWidth*.05; picDimension[8] = appWidth*.05; picPos[0] = new Point(appWidth*(-.075) - 8, (compHeight - picDimension[0])/2); picPos[1] = new Point(appWidth*(-.025), (compHeight - picDimension[1])/2); picPos[2] = new Point(appWidth*.025 + 8, (compHeight - picDimension[2])/2); picPos[3] = new Point(appWidth*.125 + 16, (compHeight - picDimension[3])/2); picPos[4] = new Point(appWidth*.275 + 24, (compHeight - picDimension[4])/2); picPos[5] = new Point(appWidth*.675 + 32, (compHeight - picDimension[5])/2); picPos[6] = new Point(appWidth*.825 + 40, (compHeight - picDimension[6])/2); picPos[7] = new Point(appWidth - appWidth*.025, (compHeight - picDimension[7])/2); picPos[8] = new Point(appWidth + appWidth*.025 + 8, (compHeight - picDimension[8])/2); for (var i:int=0; i < 9; i++) { var image:sample_CarouselImage = getChildAt(i) as sample_CarouselImage; var pos:int = selected + i - 4; if (pos >= 0 && pos < { image.width = picDimension[i]; image.height = picDimension[i]; image.x = picPos[i].x; image.y = picPos[i].y; image.source = "../assets/gallery/" +; image.visible = true; } else { image.visible = false; } } }
Add move and resize effects to the images specified.
parameter: direction +1 if you're rotating right, -1 if left
parameter: start where in the child list do you start playing effects (avoiding the offscreen one)
parameter: end where in the child list do you stop playing effects (avoiding the offscreen one)

                  private function playEffects(direction:int, start:int, end:int):void
                      var parallel:Parallel = new Parallel();
                      for (var i:int=start; i < end; i++)
                          var image:sample_CarouselImage = getChildAt(i) as sample_CarouselImage;
                          if (image.visible)
                              var idx:int = i + direction;
                              var move:Move = new Move();
                     = image;
                              move.duration = 1000;
                              move.xTo = picPos[idx].x;
                              move.yTo = picPos[idx].y;
                              var resize:Resize = new Resize();
                     = image;
                              resize.duration = 1000;
                              resize.widthTo = picDimension[idx];
                              resize.heightTo = picDimension[idx];
                  public function rotateLeft():void
                          playEffects(-1, 1, 9);
                          var offscreen:sample_CarouselImage = getChildAt(0) as sample_CarouselImage;
                          //in an ideal world you'd re-use this image but we found
                          //that if click the rotate buttons fast enough the offscreen
                          //image will appear and fly across the screen because it was
                          //playing in a previous effect
                          //stopping the effect in the middle as soon as you know this
                          //image is offscreen makes the image drop offscreen and
                          //isn't a great visual effect
                          //there are probably other ways to solve this like preventing
                          //the rapid click of the next/prev buttons
                          offscreen = new sample_CarouselImage();
                  offscreen.move(picPos[8].x, picPos[8].y);
              offscreen.width = picDimension[8];
              offscreen.height = picDimension[8];
                  if (gallery.selected + 4 <
                      offscreen.source = "../assets/gallery/" + + 4).source;
                      offscreen.visible = true;
                      offscreen.source = "";
                      offscreen.visible = false;
                  public function rotateRight():void
                      playEffects(1, 0, 8);
                          var offscreen:sample_CarouselImage = getChildAt(8) as sample_CarouselImage;
                          //in an ideal world you'd re-use this image but we found
                          //that if click the rotate buttons fast enough the offscreen
                          //image will appear and fly across the screen because it was
                          //playing in a previous effect
                          //stopping the effect in the middle as soon as you know this
                          //image is offscreen makes the image drop offscreen and
                          //isn't a great visual effect
                          //there are probably other ways to solve this like preventing
                          //the rapid click of the next/prev buttons
                          offscreen = new sample_CarouselImage();
                  offscreen.move(picPos[0].x, picPos[0].y);
              offscreen.width = picDimension[0];
              offscreen.height = picDimension[0];
                  addChildAt(offscreen, 0);
                  if (gallery.selected - 4 >= 0)
                      offscreen.source = "../assets/gallery/" + - 4).source;
                      offscreen.visible = true;
                      offscreen.source = "";
                      offscreen.visible = false;

(C) Æliens 20/2/2008

You may not copy or print any of this material without explicit permission of the author or the publisher. In case of other copyright issues, contact the author.